Saturday, September 6, 2008

Times up!

Alls well that ends well! The Triad Internship proved to be an excellent tool to figure out what one might want to procure as a career in public horticulture. I was able to see all the different facets involved in running a botanical garden establishment from curation to plant production, director to research and budgeting to managing volunteers and then a whole lot more besides that. I got a great feel for the three different establishments and know that with every garden each will have their own mission statement and set of guiding principles they go by.

Not only did I get to shadow a prominent staff member each day but also got a chance to go on field trips, plant walks, attend an intern barbecue, extract honey, see a caterpillar as long as my hand, attend an ice cream social (yum!), do maintenance on the giant lily pads (Victoria’s), etc, etc, etc. Yes, I could go on and on. So, if you are interested in Public Horticulture I highly recommend this internship. Rental car and transportation to Pennsylvania is reimbursed and housing is provided by Longwood Gardens.

I had a wonderful time and will never, ever forget it. Thank you to everyone for my incredible eight weeks back East.

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