Monday, September 1, 2008

Last Week at Chanticleer

OMG! I just saw the biggest caterpillar of my life today! I was working with Lisa Roper in the Asian Woods Garden at Chanticleer and we’re riding along in one of the work carts when all of a sudden she screeches to a stop. A huge, metallic, mint-green, as long as my hand from fingertip to wrist caterpillar is inching along across the path. It turns out he is a Hickory Horned-Devil and one day turns into Citheronia regalis, common name Regal Moth. Really impressive. I was glad I got a chance to see him. I can’t wait to share pictures of it with my friend Bridget whom I took an entomology class with at Cal Poly.
She will love it!

In the morning on Tuesday, I worked with Joe Henderson in the Ponds Garden. He gave me a nice tour and then I helped him weed and deadhead around the pond area. In the afternoon I worked with Robert Herald the Curator for Chanticleer. One of the horticulturists called up and asked about a mystery Clematis. It was labeled Clematis occidentalis but C. occidentalis is a purple bell-shaped flower and this one was yellow. Robert and I went back to his office and went through the dichotomous key to see if we could figure it out. It turns out it is Clematis virginica.

Wednesday, I was back with Joe in the Ponds Garden and helped him plant Phlox divaricata, Phlox stolonifera “Sherwood Purple” and Pachysandra procumbens. In the afternoon, I worked with Doug Randolph the artist extraordinaire. Doug makes most of the fine furniture, drinking fountains, bridges, etc that you see about the garden. I have included one of the drinking fountains that Doug has created. He is now in the process of creating a bench for the vegetable garden which will be adorned with hand-carved carrots for the front legs, asparagus for the back and lima beans shaped seats. I’d like to see it when it is finished. Maybe he can e-mail me a picture when he is done completing it.

Thursday and Friday of this week I am helping Yvonne get Jonathan Wright’s Teacup Garden in shape. Jonathan is out of town and has a whole list of things for us to do while he is gone. I am working on an area that is next to Doug Croft’s Rock Garden. All day I deadheaded, weeded, and mulched. A lot of work but got a wonderful sense of satisfaction at the end of the day.

I’d like to thank all the staff at Chanticleer. The interactions between them seem more like a family that just a working staff and I appreciate the time you all gave to me. Thank you all for sharing your very unique Pleasure Garden with me!

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